New Classification in Syringomyelia

The term syringomyelia describes many pathogenetically different disorders, and a variety of attempts to group these based on different criteria have been proposed in the literature. As a consequence a lack of consensus regarding classification and terminology exists. This inconsistency extends to the ICD-10 classification of diseases in regards to syringomyelia (G95.0) and hydromyelia (Q06.4).
Blegvad et al., have shown that the use of classifying terminology for fluid-filled cavities in the spinal cord is indiscriminate and inconsistent. Even though a general agreement on the believed pathogenetic mechanism exists, and the general treatment methods are used in accordance with this mechanism, the terminology fails to function as a simple and universal link between theory and treatment.
They propose a new causal concept for an ICD classification with syringomyelia (G95.0) as the only describing terminology, thus abandoning the use of hydromyelia (Q06.4). Syringomyelia is divided into five subgroups according to the associated pathologies. The classification is based on applied diagnostics and serves as a clinical guidance for treatment 1)
1) Blegvad C, Grotenhuis JA, Juhler M. Syringomyelia: a practical, clinical concept for classification. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2014 Sep 19. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 25236931.

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