AOSpine Advanced Seminar—Spinal trauma and spinal cord injury

AOSpine Advanced Seminar—Spinal trauma and spinal cord injury

October 19 — October 20

Dublin, Ireland

This seminar addresses the evaluation, classification, treatment selection and complications associated with spinal trauma and spinal cord injuries. It explores advances in spinal cord injury treatment and looks at methods of preventing and treating this devastating complication of spinal trauma. The seminar will comprise of didactic lectures and debates by the expert faculty, focusing on providing the best available evidence for each topic. Illustrative cases will also be presented, followed by open and interactive discussion amongst the faculty members and participants.

Learning objectives

Maintain normotension in the patient
Recognize spinal instability
Describe the injury based on an image-based morpho-logical classification
Select the treatment based on the available evidence
Recognize regional/junctional differences
Recognize complications as early as possible
Correct deformity

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